COURATOR: victoria danelyan
october 2018, KIeV

„Человек родится и умирает. Нелегко вспоминать тех, кого пережил за
девяносто лет, – людей, которых встречал, знал, любил…   
Еще труднее оценить то, что сделал. Или хотел сделать…
Рассказать о прошлом, которое живет в твоем настоящем,
рвется в будущее. Чувствуешь  себя путником, старающимся навечно
запечатлеть идущие по небу облака…”

„Man is born and dying. It is not easy to remember those
who survived the ninety years - the people they met, knew, loved ...
Even more difficult to evaluate what he did. Or wanted to do ...
To tell about the past, which lives in your present, rushes into the future.
You feel a traveler who tries to capture the clouds that are going
through the sky forever.”
sentence from  
Iван кавалерiдзе
мемуари. драматургiя. публiцистика

We are not able to be completely objective towards the reality that surrounds us, we deform it involuntarily, we remember selected fragments, our most powerful experiences. We often forget what is not in line with our beliefs, and more what we want to believe in or what is important to us. The memories of the Kavaleridze, although they may resemble testimonies, are very subjective, but we can learn a lot about Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian culture, as well as some about French culture. They certify his existence and the existence of people and things that surrounded him and which he had the opportunity to meet. Some information escapes forever, remains hidden and will never see the light of day, we can only rely on suppositions and speculations.
The stories that we convey are our individual, censored, point of view. We persistently try not to lose the moments we experience. We care for our identity, which is built by means of memory. This memory confirms our existence and dies with us, what the majority remembers is mainly the form determined by the general. Our presence and absence reveal the moment of being.
The memories of the Kavaleridze, although they may resemble testimonies, are very subjective, but we can learn a lot about Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian culture, as well as some about French culture. They certify his existence and the existence of people and things that surround him.
This installation is video footage of conversations with people currently walking on the streets of Kiev and around the museum, which, although I remember now, will certainly fly away with time.
Dream Projects
Interdisciplinary Center of Art and Culture  Development together
with  Ivan Kavaleridze Museum-Workshop "Kavaleridze. RE: VISION"
project with International artist-in-residence program with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation
in partnership with Adam Mickiewicz Institute
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